Guide to Caring for Houseplants
The pandemic has prompted many to become plant parents, and most plants are easy enough to maintain. But if you want your home garden to thrive, leaving them unattended collecting dust in a corner will not help at all. Modern-day busy schedules may prevent you from adequately caring for your plants. Interaction with your plants can be a therapeutic experience that is not only good for your mental health but also good for the plants. There are some basic tips that you can keep in mind to adequately care for your plant babies.
The most important thing to remember is light, of course, ensure that your plants have access to light. Their growth and health are directly related to the amount of light they receive. Assess the needs of your plants and place them in an appropriate place where they receive the appropriate amount of light. Initially, a plant may lose some leaves due to the adjustment to changing lighting but if it receives the correct amount then it will adjust soon.

More plants die from overwater than from disease or other abnormalities, contrary to existing belief, water is not always good for plants. An important thing to look for is wet soil, soil that is always wet might kill your plant quicker. Maintaining an adequate balance of moisture is integral to keeping your houseplant in good health. Ensure that your planter or pots have adequate drainage holes and assess the water requirements of your plant. Plants like succulents and air plants cannot tolerate a lot of moisture and misting them with water every once in a while might be enough. Humidity is also an important factor that influences a plant’s health, and while it is hard to gauge on your own you might observe your plant to understand the level of humidity and what level they require to thrive.
Succulents and cacti can survive lower levels of humidity and modern homes are usually dry, but most generic houseplants are tropical and require higher levels of humidity. To increase the level of humidity for such plants, place them closer to your shower or kitchens or place a tray of gravel soaked with water to raise humidity. You can also just change your humidifier’s settings to boost the health of your plants.
Another thing that most people don’t consider is fertilizer and medication for houseplants as potted plants can lose nutrients fast and even inside a house, pests can kill your plants. Too much of anything can be bad for your plants and the same goes for fertilizer as well. Look out for the amount of phosphorus and nitrogen in your fertilizer to understand how much your plant needs based on its type. Adding a clove of garlic to the soil also helps in driving pests away from your leafy greens.
Overall just pay attention to your plants every once in a while and it will be fine, handling plants is a lot easier than caring for other living things. Plants do most of the work themselves; we only need to nurture them a little to help them grow more.
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