We often associate sustainability with the protection of the environment but sustainability cannot be achieved in isolation,but is rather the combined development of three factors. Just like all components of an ecosystem are interdependent, in the same way true sustainability can only be achieved by paying equal attention to its three facets. Sustainability itself refers to systematic development of all aspects of life and hence its determinants also come from all these facets. Society, economy and the environment are three facets of development that need to be considered when targeting the goal of sustainability. Read More.
People must have come across the term whitewashing in the media frequently but the lesser-known term greenwashing also possesses the same negative connotation as the former. And the term itself does not seem particularly insidious but the meaning behind it points towards malpractice that many corporations across the world partake in. And since the term isn’t particularly well known these businesses face little to no consequences for their false representations. But we must first understand what greenwashing means in order to identify its application in the real world and the resulting impact this practice has on the environment.